Challenge Library

Interactive Multimedia and Design

Network Technology

Information Resource Management

Optical Systems and Sensors

Game Design

Best game created during the competition


Best animation created to go along with a provided audio clip

Logo Design

Based on a description from a 'client', create a logo that suits the company's needs, and the vibe the client has given.

Capture the Flag (CTF)

A series of increasingly difficult cybersecurity puzzles where competitors attempt to gain access to remote servers, and solve challenges to win points

System Administration

Competitors are the administrators of a fictional enterprise network. They must configure everything in order to have the system reach the provided specifications

Log Application

Write a program that will use logs from whatever program/OS's you like to do something creative or useful.

Data Visualization

Best visualization of provided dataset

Machine Learning

Best use of Machine Learning on a provided data set

Dataset Engineering

Best Dataset produced from a base of a provided dataset

Household Hardware

Using household electronics, develop a home climate control/monitoring system.