The BIT Society will be hosting two events featuring Mathieu O'Brien and Tegan Scott as our first two industry guest speakers for a new series of events called IMD (Interactive Multimedia and Design) Talks!
Come see Mathieu O'Brien on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. in C164 Loeb Building! Mathieu is the co-founder of the independent, local game studio, SkyPype Studios, and a current IMD professor. Come ask him questions about his experience working at Skypyre and his journey from IMD student to designer, artist, and marketing lead.
Tegan Scott will be our guest on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. in 318 Southam Hall. Tegan is the co-founder and CTO of Amuse Technologies. Amuse is an app for people interested in archives, exhibitions, and museums by placing their stories in the physical world, enabling users to discover the world around them. Amuse is currently in development. Come by to hear Tegan's presentation and ask questions about her experience an IMD alumni and her current work as an app designer.
We hope to see you there!